Favorite Part of the Job; Watching the Children's Progress

Video Summary

Dr. Jeremy Greenberg considers the inherent challenges, but also incredible rewards of being an ABA therapist. He describes that though many children come to him with almost no social or language skills, they may graduate from the program talking and interacting with people, a monumental progression he finds inspirational and affirming.

"I really enjoy the challenge of starting to work with a child and family a child who has very little skills and I like to work with that child and family to see them progress. That's what makes me feel good. That's my reinforcer. "
— Dr. Jeremy Greenberg, Clinical Supervisor at the Children's Center


    • Therapies
    • working with autism
    • Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA)
    • reinforcement
    • Verbal Communicative Skills
    • lack of vocal expressiveness
    • lack of expressive language

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